Video Call is scalable and flexible and you can set up your online clinic in line with your current workflows. Not all clinics/practices work in the same way so you can plan your workflows and share with your staff to ensure everything works smoothly and suits you and your patients. Remember that as well as clinicians and other health service providers, admin and reception staff can also be invited to create their Video Call accounts so they can perform clinic administration tasks, send the clinic link to patients and notify waiting patients, if required.
Workflow animations
We have created a number of workflow animations to give you an idea of some of the options when using healthdirect Video Call:
Workflow diagrams
Below are some suggested workflows you can use for your clinic or practice. These options are not exhaustive, so you can also use these as a start and create your own. Click on the desired option below for more information:
Single health service provider
Once the appointment is booked, using their usual booking procedures and softwares, the clinician sends out the clinic link as part of the patient appointment information.
Watch the video:
Multiple health service providers in the clinic
healthdirect Video Call is clinic based, so you can have multiple service providers seeing their patients in the same clinic. Once the appointment is booked, using your usual booking procedures and softwares, admin/reception staff or clinicians themselves can send out the clinic link as part of the patient appointment information (depending on your workflow for appointment information being sent out).
Watch the video:
Admin or reception staff greet the patient first when they arrive
Admin and reception staff can send the clinic link and can also, if desired, join the patient to meet and greet, before putting the patient on hold for the clinician to join when they are ready.
Admin and/or reception staff join the call after the consultation
Admin and reception staff with healthdirect Video Call accounts can join a call after the clinician finishes the consultation and leaves the call, to book another appointment or take a payment.
Group session with multiple participants
With healthdirect Video Call, you can have up to six participants in the call. This means health service providers can join a call with a patient and then add an interpreter, family member in another location, carer etc all in the same call.