Healthdirect Australia Help Center

    New in this release

    Updated 26th June, 2024

    New in this release

    Released this year in 2024

    New features released this year

    • Add Minimise capability for managing open Apps
    • Introduce emojis for use with stickers on annotations
    • Introduce medical device Audio capability
    • Fix for emoji skin tones on specific browsers
    • Make the reports download buttons show before the card has completed loading
    • Fix for video being cropped on certain iPhone models
    Read more about  medical device audio.

    • Improvements to chat message drawer
    • Fix video quality settings to apply to screenshare content as well
    • Fix rendering issue for mobile devices to improve optimisation
    • Add additional audio control settings for Gain Control and Echo Cancellation
    • Improve connection check behaviour and accuracy
    • Allow In call invitation screen to send to sms and email simultaneously, as well as allow the "From" field to be edited
    • Add new Picture in Picture capability
    • Add Dice and Spinner widgets to annotation capabilities

    Read more about  Picture in Picture mode.
    • Allow 1300 numbers to be included in support contacts
    • Add size limit to upload of virtual background images to improve performance
    • Refreshed sign-in page
    • Introduced beta version for updated version of Virtual Backgrounds
    • Infrastructure work for Message Hub and Custom Waiting Experience
    • Added support for mobile phones starting with 0493 prefix

    Read more about  Virtual Backgrounds

    • Update post call survey prompts 
    • Device selection in the patient join flow
    • Improvement to the snapshot function in Video Call - High Resolution
    • Improve device selection performance
    • Improve call invite (in call screen) behaviour
    Read more about  Patient entry points
    • Improve network connectivity tests
    • Improve browser detection in precall test
    • Improved microphone detection in precall test
    • Add full screen self view capability for iOS devices
    • Update patient join flow to have patient entry fields at the top of the patient entry screen
    • Added on-hold callers being able to be added to group calls from the waiting area
    • Updated messaging for waiting area calls to show when they exceed the maximum user limit
    • Group Room call quality settings improvements
    • Added ability to administer users directly from the All Users page
    • Making a users full name searchable (First and Last) in the platform
    • Added feature to resend all pending invitations

    Read more about  Patient entry points
    • Recording improvements on iOS devices
    • Rename grid view
    • Precall test improvements
    • Improved display for users when a mobile device is interrupted by a phone call 
    • Improved stream communication for multi-party calls
    • Improvements on camera switching for mobile devices 
    • Improved call quality settings performance in group call 
    • Removed non functional option to hide apps and tools from other hosts in a call
    • Introduced snapshot button to take a snapshot of a video feed
    • Added configuration option to disable video preview on patient entry flow
    • New Video Call Button in the clinic waiting area to invite a participant
    • New Email and SMS templates under Communication Tab in the clinic waiting area configuration
    • Improved and simplified pre-call test
    • Added full screen option for self video view
    • Extend templates to room invitations
    • Further pre-call test improvements
    • Improvements for switching camera on mobile devices
    • Improved visibility for the raised hand feature 
    • Add tool tip for custom background selection options
    • Video call quality settings improved for group calling experience

    Read more about  New Video Call Button

    Released in 2023

    New features released this year

    • Updated help links for dashboard
    • Improvement to MBS bulk billing back end performance
    • Group calling capability added to the waiting area
    • Improved permissions functionality 

    Read more about group calling in the waiting area 
    • Fixed default country code to be +61 (Australia)
    • Improve "Are you talking" alert prompt 
    • Change behaviour of audio share to be on by default
    • Fix phone call out bug with additional participants
    • Improved confirmation on waiting area configuration changes being saved
    • Allow annotation tools to be deselected
    • Improve display of speaker indicator and name badge
    • Fixed sorting of organisation names on "My Organisations" page
    • Updated new call manager for phone call out options
    • Added new customised virtual background feature
    • Introduced max participants view slider
    • Added raised hand feature
    • Fixed errors displayed for callers using the skipsetup=1 feature
    • Fixed hidden input fields to function as intended
    • Added Services on Demand to default app installation list
    • Improved youtube app guest controls

    Read more about the new Call Manager
    • Improved mobile user view with merged feeds
    • Fixed issue with mobile users not loading Apps correctly
    • Improved performance of participants switching streams
    • Default screen sharing to high frame rate 25FPS sharing
    • Fix issue where users waiting may not always see disconnection errors 
    • Fixed issue with Waiting Area entry Fields with white spaces 
    • Introduced fix for blurred background when WEBGL was not available
    • Improved validation for waiting area patient entry field configuration
    • Group Calling stability improvements
    • Added full screen participant button to maximise participant view
    • Added new improved call manager with new multi-select functionality
    • Fixed call duration timer performance

    Read more about the new Call Manager
    • Improved patient view for mobile users
    • Renamed dashboard to "Clinic Dashboard"
    • Fix for screen sharing feed showing up as participants
    • Improve guest mic/camera pre-call options configuration 
    • Fix for grey bar staying on mobile after accessing the settings drawer
    • Improve deletion annotation tool
    • Change portrait view on mobile to show full video feed instead of cropped view
    • Fix call interface reporting issue
    • Introduce new video call layout with great improvements for group calling
    • Improve tool tips to fade away after hover
    • Fix document camera to correctly show in grid view
    • Introduced Clinic clerk role
    • Fix for logo sometimes not appearing correctly in call screen
    • Fix for duplicate waiting area patient entry fields 
    • Update join flow logo sizing
    • Added tool tip for changes to configuration pages when saving configuration changes
    • Updated org and clinic support contact to display in same format
    • Improve clear all annotation tool
    • Added Services on Demand application to each clinic

    Read more about the new clinic dashboard
    • Fixed device settings not being saved when you switched between room types 
    • Improved whiteboarding sticker and colour selection functionality
    • Fixed issue with drawer resources not displaying correctly
    • Added participant is typing feature to chat window
    • Added new clinic dashboard with enterprise admin capabilities
    • Added new check box to hide the apps and tools drawer from guests
    • Added deny button for call queue manager
    • Changed default draw colour in annotations

    Read more about the new clinic dashboard
    • Introduced live captioning
    • Make checkbox patient entry fields editable
    • Introduced high frame rate screen sharing for better screen sharing performance
    • Add ability to restore defaults for customised views of columns in waiting area dashboard
    • Introduced ability for patients to mute camera and microphone whilst waiting in the waiting area
    • Update group calling to fix "musical chairs" effect when users are joining/disconnecting from the call 
    • Update the waiting music tab to be called "waiting experience"
    • Fix for user profile view on mobile devices implemented

    Read more about live captioning
    • Introduced dark background colour option for Video Call screen
    • Improved FHD video performance on edge browser
    • Improve mute functionality
    • Fixed error when using the skipsetup functionality
    • Improved video feeds for connection processes
    • Fixed bug that was presenting the call quality survey on transfers
    • Improve refresh connection behaviour

    Read more about the dark background colour
    • Added new video not available indicator to call screen
    • Improved connectivity for group calling 
    • Adjust templates for organisation and clinic reports
    • Improved FHD video quality
    • Introduction of new display name (Alias)
    • Updated bulk import process to allow for inclusion of display name
    • Added ability to horizontally flip local video feed so it is no longer appearing mirrored
    • Fixed ability to change username on user profile
    • Updated team members page to always refresh upon changes being made
    • Fixed toast notifications disabling video feed buttons to allow you to switch sizes, etc 
    • Allow Firefox to screenshare with other browser types
    • Fixed filtering of timezone down from Organisation level to Clinic level

    Read more about the new display name feature 
    • Adding filtering in Team Members Configuration Tab
    • SSO Configuration and Edit Profile UI improvement
    • Release of Full High Definition (FHD - 1080p) Video Resolution Setting on the platform 
    • Expansion and closure of the bandwidth traffic light indicator
    • Organisation logo is inherited by the clinics in that organisation

    • Reset Password page UI refresh

    • Virtual Background released on the platform

    • Fixed Precall test to ensure audio and video streams are released after test

    • Ensure that Noise suppression audio option is remembered when selected

    • Fix issue where sometimes the mic does not appear muted in group calls

    • Fixed clinic logo not being shown when set at org level for service providers

    • Updated UI to ensure team members details aren't being truncated on team members page

    • Update back end to allow filters to be used in team members list

    Read more about the new look advanced entry field management
    • Added Advanced Waiting Area Entry Fields functionality

    • Improved layout for two way messaging

    • Fixed clinic admin user access control issues

    • Updated dashboard page to ensure always showing the latest information

    • Updated Join room call flow for taking a photo
      Improved filters in Waiting Area Dashboard

    • Improved aspect ratio for iOS users

    • Improved reporting functionality

    • Updated links to resource centre

    • Fixed android issue with settings drawer covering screen

    • Improved outage page to auto refresh if users are unable to access platform

    • Improved audio handling for meeting rooms with multiple participants

    Read more about the new look advanced entry field management
    • Improve Youtube Video player application performance

    • Fixed traffic light indicator not always showing

    • Fixed "failed to load clinics" error when accessing the my clinics page

    • Updated chat styling and added ability to download a transcription of the chat log (for providers only)

    • Fixed uploading of organisational logos

    • Fixed clinic logos not displaying correctly on join flow

    • Added "are you talking" notification to call screen when a user is muted

    • Fixed consultations report to include phone participants 

    • Improve toast notifications in group calling

    • Fixed issue with uploading organisation logo

    • Improve alignment with annotation tools across users

    Read more about the new look waiting area dashboard
    • Introduced Mute and Pin functionality for classic layout
    • Improved post call links to ensure all users receive them
    • Updated alert notifications to go to waiting area dashboard page
    • Fixed back button after password reset request was sent through
    • Updated wording on my roles page to show correct role information
    • Fixed back button after password reset request was sent through

    Read more about Call screen layouts

    Released in 2022

    New features released this year

    • User Profile - updated layout
    • Translated appointment flyer with QR code - Dari and Khmer languages added
    • Two-way messaging for callers put on-hold in a call
    • Group Calling improvements
    Read more about 2 way communication
    • Improved screen sharing connectivity for all calls
    • Improved connectivity for Group Calling
    • Fixed annotation issue with pointers not displaying correctly for some users
    • Improved audio quality for iOS devices
    • Improved participant list for group calling
    • Fixed issue with custom URLs set at Organisational Level not trickling down to Clinics
    • Improved browser detection for older versions of iOS
    • Added Organisation Co-ordinator role
    • Improvement to profile photo update
    • Updated Configure call interface preview
    • Improved user management for admins
    • Added new call quality rating to the end of calls where no custom survey is present

    Read more about group calling.

    • Indicate to user when their internet connectivity is lost within a call
    • Update user invitation modal to be able to add more than one user at a time
    • Fix for audio distortion when an iOS user tabs away from their Video Call screen
    • Added Pagination to clinics with long member lists
    • Reset default iOS volume slider to 0
    • Updated group calling to better display when users leave a call
    • Improvement to user invitations modal
    • Removed volume slider from iPhone devices
    • Improvement to pagination displaying total number of pages
    • Fixed issue where inviting a user would sometimes not update the team member list
    • Improve renegotiation of media tracks when connectivity is lost
    Read more about group calling.
    • Improvements for iPad users for SIP
    • Reporting API improvements
    • Toast notifications improvements for group calling users
    • Improved camera switching on devices
    • Improved detection of browser versions for yellow banner notifications etc
    • Improvements to SIP calling optimisation
    • Improved call screen visibility when a mobile user is interrupted by a phone call
    • Fixed room calendar invitations to ensure all users are BCC'd when multiple invitations are sent
    • Group Calling toast notification improvements

    Read more about group calling.
    • Updated sms/email invitations to automatically clear message on successful send of invitation
    • Updated reports to include the full details around transfer of calls
    • Group call preparation work
    • Updated "yellow banner" to be able to target specific types of devices, browsers, OS, etc 
    • Fixed issue with SSO logins being case sensitive
    • Added Group Calling Capability first release
    • New clinics are now open 24 hours by default
    • SSO configuration to support Okta Configuration
    • Introduced download prompting for shared resources prior to ending call
    • SIP dialpad functionality added
    • Fixed Settings Drawer bug on Android devices when an app is in use
    Read more about reports.

    Read more about group calling.
    • Improved rolls and permissions to include selection of data collection
    • Improved pending invitations function
    • Added configuration for clinic closed message to be displayed
    • Fixed issue with displaying the correct option for photos on room call entry
    • SIP improvements for better interoperability with iOS

    • Two way messaging between patients and clinics during wait time
    • Added reporter roles for Organisation and Platform levels
    • Added subdomain column to Clinics Report
    • Further SIP improvements
    • Improved call overlay for smaller screen sizes

    Read more about reports.
    • Added new hide/show right hand side column button for the waiting area dashboard
    • Fixed issue where on hold users were being displayed "phone call" instead of "video call"
    • Added Accessibility to App Marketplace powered by Coviu
    • Introduced alert sounds for users entering and exiting the call screen
    • Fixed iOS issue where users may be disconnected when saving annotations or muting their call

    Read more about the App Marketplace
    • Added new Waiting Area Filters (including duration) to dashboard
    • Added meeting Favourites feature
    • Updated PDF editor to allow saving all annotated pages
    • Added Minimised/Maximised/Collapsed options for your self view to the call interface for both clinic and organisational level configurations.
    • Re-introduced ability to hide self view of camera with new styling
    • Mobile users can now "Select Camera" from the settings drawer instead of just switching
    • Devolved Local Recording (DLR) improvement with firefox browser for saved recordings
    • Fixed reset button for call interface colours
    • Fixed waiting area status column on clinic reports sometimes not reporting correctly

    Read more about Devolved Local Recording
    • Increased memory and size for reporting threads
    • Fixed automated notifications to successfully come through to on hold users
    • Manual notifications now successfully sent to users in the call screen
    • Automated messages for on hold configuration from waiting area added
    • Make last name field mandatory
    • New users now enter First and Last name when creating account
    • Fixed bug where users who were on-hold were not being transferred correctly
    • User rooms no longer showing in clinics with no User rooms
    • Patient name to be visible when sending notification
    • Patient name to be displayed correctly in participants modal when trying to disconnect
    • Improved margins for dashboard layout
    • SIP improvements to allow better URI calling 
    • Introduced new small video preview of self view
    • Updated Tools button to be Apps and Tools with new design and icons
    • Fixed bug when clicking on meeting room link that would not display page properly
    • Added visual indicator of active speaker with highlighted border within call screen
    • Introduced new call screen design
    Read more about Notify all
    • Increased and updated reporting capabilities for reports longer than 2 months that are emailed
    • Introduced report history functionality
    • Updated Notify modal to have new "chat view" styling and include notification history
    • Introduced new "Notify all" feature for callers in the waiting area
    Read more about Notify all
    • Improved SSO backend debugging
    • Local Video Feed position updated to ensure guest as close to the top of the screen as possible
    • Fixed issue with screen sharing on iOS devices
    • Improved Left Hand Side menu from within dashboard and the My Clinics/My Organisations pages
    • Increased iOS volume slider max gain to 800% by default 
    • Added the ability to place caller "On Hold" from within a waiting area consultation 
    • Configure automated messages for On Hold status callers
    • SSO Logs improvements
    Read more about screen sharing

    Released in 2021

    New features released this year

    • Devolved Local Recording Testing
    • Volume Slider in Call Settings for iOS devices to increase speaker volume over 100%
    • Update to Annotation pen colours and sizes
      Updated call drawer to remove old "menu" from meeting room call screen
    • Improved reporting backend
    • Resolved issue that allowed service providers to be able to join multiple calls
    • Notification icons now live refreshed for all users in the clinic dashboard
    • SIP improvements to waiting area experience
    Read more about reports.
    • Service Provider report now includes meeting room activity
    • Increase in performance for reporting queries
    • Further improvements to SIP call capability
    • Add to Call functionality from different clinic now available for Platform and Organisation administrators.
    • Addition of feature to be able to show position in in queue of callers
    • Created Grid Layout for better user experience with group calling
    • Changed name of Add-ons to Apps
    • Added disconnect confirmation modal to Call Manager
    • Clinic Reporting configuration page now visible for Organisation and Clinic Admins
    • Added security warning when sharing a file using the file transfer tool
    Read more about reports.
    • Further SIP capability added to the waiting area, for testing.
    • Add to clinic from other waiting areas enabled
    • Improved voice quality in voice callout gateway
    • Updated page to include AEST hours
    • SIP capability added to the waiting area for testing
    • iOS browser version detection improved
    • Added invite button to the top of the waiting area dashboard
    • SSO improvements to allow greater configuration options

    Read more about using SIP with video call
    • Improved room information in reports
    • Updated Important information page view to align with the rest of the improved user journey workflow
    • Added Clinic tagging reporting capability
    • Introduced new look waiting area dashboard
    • Improved compatibility for phone numbers on patient entry
    • Fixed overlapping text in waiting area dashboard
    • Completed patient user journey with new "continue" to accept listed policies.
    • Resolved issue with desktop alerts not being set correctly
    • Fixed Grid View to correctly display
    • Updated emails received for Organisation with SSO disabled
    • Fixed the ability to send multiple SMS invites from the invitation modal

    Read more about the new look waiting area dashboard 
    • Improved accessibility display of patient user journey
    • Pre-call test improvement to allow users with high latency to pass the network connectivity tests
    • Further SSO improvements for login processes
    • Added End Call confirmation modal to be able to disconnect calls from the waiting area dashboard
    • Reporting cards now load individually to improve performance for platform level reports
    • Improved reporting UI for date selection and reporting cards
    • Added meeting room/user room report to clinic level reporting
    • Updated patient journey to include new allow animation gif
    • Added new modal to display report downloading progress
    Read more about the waiting area dashboard
    • Updated precall test to properly show the resource centre links on failures
    • Request Camera tool no longer flips camera feed
    • Patient entry flow updated designs of buttons
    • Updated SSO behaviour for domains who have switched SSO off temporarily
    • Introduced fix to stop users from changing their email address to an invalid email
    • Updated wording of Consultations report to be "Waiting Area Consultations"
    • Added new confirmation modal for Joining a Call (configurable by clinic)
    • Introduced more user friendly precall test experience for users.
    • Included meeting room data in Organisation level report
    • Updated clinic tagging configuration to display in clinic setting
    • Improvement to switching camera stream on iPad
    • Fix to properly detect Microsoft Edge version in the precall test
    • Updated precall test to properly show the resource centre links on failures
    • Added additional configuration field for SSO

    Read more about reports.
    • Created new report to capture user room and meeting room activity. 
    • Added support for Microsoft Edge on Android devices
    • Enabled screen sharing for Safari on macOS devices for Microsoft Edge and Firefox
    • Updated Microsoft Edge logo on call entry page
    • Changed default options to have user rooms disabled when adding a new user to a clinic
    Read more about compatible web browsers.
    Read more about reports.
    • Added support for additional web browsers on iOS 14.3+ devices
    • Removed the disable live updates option from the my clinics page to ensure everyone is seeing live updates
    • Improved screen share stream negotiation to ensure that users no longer receive the "no stream is available" message
    • Increased font size to 16px across the platform for improved accessibility
    Read more about compatible web browsers
    • Added feature to quickly enable a microphone or camera on a mobile device when interrupted by a phone call
    • Clinic list on the waiting area dashboard is now displayed in alphabetical order

    • Fixed issue with drop down menu failing to close in some situations
    • Updated Users reporting card to be more appropriately named as "Service Providers Summary" and updated wording inside the report
    • Fixed issue with allowing 0429 mobile prefix to be sent sms invitations
    • Enabled screen sharing for Safari on macOS devices (to chrome) 
    • Added feature to quickly enable a microphone or camera on a mobile device when interrupted by a phone call
    • Fixed transcoding of video files for playback
    Read more about running Organisation reports.
    Read more about Video Call Tools, including share screen.
    • Added ability to email reports that are shorter than a 2 month period
    • Added help tip for changing password to ensure 13 character password complexity was met
    • Added popup help tip for new callers in a meeting room
    • Update to my clinics page to ensure better refresh times and accuracy of information
    Read more about running Organisation reports.
    Read more about Meeting Rooms.
    Read more about My Clinics.  
    • Ezispeak on demand interpreters Add-on available for testing
    • Change to behaviour when transferring users back to "the waiting room" when using meeting rooms (so they are waiting for access back into the meeting room). 

    Read more about connecting with an Ezispeak interpreter.
    Read more about Meeting Rooms.

    Released in 2020

    New features released during the year 2020

    • Improved technical issue notification yellow banner 
    • Added ability to be able to run reports for longer than a 2 month period
    Read more about technical issue notifications
    Read more about running Organisation reports
    • Added ability to set tools and add ons to view only mode for patients
    • Callers who enter without completing details now show as "Anonymous user"
    • Added display of waiting users to meeting rooms
    • SSO Available for testing on UAT
    • Added Video call via Satellite page to Resource Centre
    • Added additional languages for patient information leaflet
    • Added Do's and Don'ts page to the resource centre
    Read more about Single Sign on.
    Read more about Video Call via Satellite

    Read more about Patient Information Leaflets.
    Read more about the Do's and Don'ts
    • Achieved HIPAA compliance
    • UI change for login page in preparation for Single Sign On
    • Added check to ensure that a clinic unique domain cannot be created if it exists as a shorturl.
    • Fixed email invitation/password reset links to be directed properly to
    • Sharing audio via screen share
    • Added ability to set default behaviour for taking a photo as a guest when entering a meeting room.
    Read more about HIPAA compliance.

    Read more about Single Sign on.

    Read more about sharing audio via screen share.

    Read more about the photo options for joining a call.  
    • Sharing Waiting Area URL via SMS and email
    • Fixed short URL links going to vcc2 to correctly go to
    • Microphone only goes to your default mic in Chrome, Edge and Safari during a Video Call.
    • My clinics page not properly updating with large amount of clinics
    • Show warning message to iOS users to not navigate away from the screen when in the waiting area queue
    • Lock/Unlock video call session functionality
    • Youtube Sharing Add-On
    • Introduced security check for devices who have been disconnected from the server for longer than 2 minutes to not automatically rejoin calls.
    • Added page on how to add live captioning to the Resource Centre
    • Added page on using a Virtual background to the resource centre
    Read more about Sharing a waiting area URL.

    Read more about the Lock/Unlock functionality.

    Learn more about the Youtube video Add-on.

    Read more about Live Captioning.

    Read more about Virtual Backgrounds.
    • SMS notification processing now validates a mobile number - meaning if incorrect number of digits entered, it will flag to the user to correct to continue
    • Reporting improvements: Consultation reports will now accurately reflect call duration. Summaries (the cards) within reports will now accurately reflect call activity for the date range selected.
    • The sign in page has been updated with a link ‘Need an account?’ which will link to a directory of telehealth contacts at each health service. ‘Need help?’ will link to a page with tips on how to sign in
    • Added page on Interpreter workflows to the Resource Centre
    View the Need an Account page to see the changes or the Need Help page to see the resource centre updates.

    Read more about Interpreter workflows.
    • Number of people in a meeting room. You can now see if a meeting room in your clinic is currently occupied and how many people are in the room. The number appears next to the meeting room name in the Enter button. This allows you to know if there is already a meeting in progress - if there is no-one in the room the number will show as 0.
    • Music Playlist updated and does not link to music provider page
    • Video Call optimisation for low powered CPU devices on Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge Chromium browsers
    • Added ability to put a delay on Email Waiting Area notifications
    • Fixed Inviting a user to multiple clinics before account has been created behaviours
    • Added leaflets for patients and clinicians on how to optimise for video call
    • Added planning document for implementing Video Call

    Read more about our patient and clinician leaflets
    • A new advanced option for toggling Noise Suppression has been introduced under Device Settings.
    • Access the patient information leaflet in other languages (with thanks to All Graduates interpreting services)
    • Added a page to the resource centre for creating short URLs
    • New video showing the patient experience getting into Video call
    • Created Low bandwidth troubleshooting page for the Resource Centre
    • Updated the support and advice page in the Resource Centre
    • Added page on saving passwords in browser 
    Read more about Noise Suppression.

    Read more about Short URLs.

    Read more about Low Bandwidth troubleshooting.

    Read more about Support Contacts.

    Read more about saving passwords 
    • Availability of Reporting at Clinic Level
    • Camera switch shortcut if service provider has more than one camera available to use
    • Bandwidth data returned to Organisation level reports
    • Refresh and hang-up buttons not appearing on some iPhone devices (e.g. iPhone 6s). Refresh and hang-up buttons are now visible
    • Resolving issues with precall tests on some iOS devices (e.g. iPad Pro) related to detecting microphone and camera
    • Improvement of Audio and video connection on iOS devices
    • Notification to prevent users trying to open more than one tab for the same video call session
    • Meeting room participants can now be transferred to other meeting rooms.
    • Added starter guide and webinars to the resource centre.

    Read more about reporting.

    Read more about Webinars
    • Moved Video Call platform to it's own separate and managed instances. 
    • Microsoft Edge Chromium is listed as a supported browser in the Pre-Call Test results. 
    • iOS devices can successfully complete the connection test when attempting to enter a call on a waiting area with permissive settings turned on.
    • Admin users will now be able to change to a new default timezone at the Organisation-level, under the Organisation Configure menu. This default setting will be adopted by all new clinics created under that Organisation.

    Note: This only applies to new clinics created. Existing clinics will retain their clinic level settings. 

    Read more on using Video Call on Microsoft Edge.

    Read more about how to set the timezone at an organisation level here:
    • New clinics created are now available in the transfer list
    • Update the message displayed on
    • Add outage notification mechanism for call, team, platform, waiting area and sign-in. This is for notification of ongoing issues while the platform is available
    • Fix Waiting area transfer from dashboard
    • Add detection of support for new Microsoft Edge Browser
    Read more about outage notifications.

    Read more about Microsoft Edge
    • On Hold Self View 
    • New Update Parameters button for reports
    • iPAD participants information displaying accurately
    • Fix precall configuration under platform relative URLs
    • Fixed clinic dashboard updating slowly for a larger number of clinics
    • Update reporting interface to add a button when changing report parameters to apply and re-run the reports
    • Prevent mobile devices sleeping while in an empty room by providing a porthole video (or muted audio) element that plays in the hold screen
    Read more about the updating parameters for reports here:
    • In January 2020, Microsoft released its new Edge web browser, Microsoft Edge Version 79, based on the Chromium open-source project. This new browser is now available for download and supports healthdirect Video Call. Microsoft will be pushing out the updated Edge browser over the coming weeks.
    • Check clinic subdomain when creating a new clinic and report errors appropriately
    • Introduced ability to remove post call survey form link
    • Extend expiry count time on notifications
    • Enable the Cancel button to work on the Important Information page
    • Add waiting area status column, and enabled waiting area total to Waiting Area report 
    • Correctly show the state of the participant audio/video tracks in the participants modal 
    Read more about the new Microsoft Edge browser here:

    September 2019 - December 2019 

    New features released in the year 2019 after the transition to the new platform. 

    Waiting area dashboard includes a ‘refresh spinning icon’ before callers appear on the waiting area dashboard Read more about the refresh spinning icon here:

    Device and bandwidth information for all participants in a video call, visible on the waiting area dashboard
    Read more about device and bandwidth information here:
    Call Quality configuration: configure Video Call to automatically check callers' connectivity as they enter your clinic and apply a video quality preset if you are having any issues with devices or bandwidth affecting the calls in your clinic. Read more about configuring Call Quality here:
    Transfer Calls: from one waiting area to another waiting area without joining the call (cold transfer). Read more about transfer here:
    Email and Desktop alerts: You can receive alerts on your desktop and via email (in addition to SMS alerts) when callers are waiting in your clinic waiting area. Read more about Waiting area alerts here:
    Tools: You have a range of tools in addition to screenshare that you can use in a Video Call with your patient. Read more about how to use tools in a Video Call here:
    Screen-share: You no longer need to install a screen-share extension, it is supported natively in Google Chrome.

    Please ensure you are on the latest version of Google Chrome. 

    Check what version of browser you are using here:

    Firefox: You can use Video Call on Mozilla Firefox, Version 68+ for Windows and Android. Check what version of browser you are using here:
    Waiting Area Hours: You can now set your Waiting Area hours to include breaks that your clinic may have on any particular day/s. Read more about how to set Waiting Area hours here:
    Call interface Customisation: Customise the call interface for your organisation and clinic. Read more about customising your call interface here:
    Orientation screens for the new video call platform. On first sign in to your clinic an orientation screen will pop up to help guide you though the basics of seeing your patient. You will only see this screen once.
    Bandwidth visual indicators: Traffic Light indicators during a call show call connection speeds. Read more about this feature here:

    Configurable Parameters for patient entry fields
    Configure what information you require or request from your patients in their entry screen before the call starts.
    Short-cut for switching camera: Use ALT-N to switch camera within a call.
    Read more about camera settings here:
    Call control - mute other participant's speaker during a call. Read more about call controls here:
    Call window language options when in a video call. Read more about language options here:
    Enable/disable desktop notifications in the My Clinics page. Enables desktop notifications for all your clinics with one click. Read more about enabling desktop notifications for all your clinics here:

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    or speak to the Video Call team on 1800 580 771

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