Healthdirect Australia Help Center

    Resource Centre design update coming soon

    The new-look Resource Centre will be released in early July and has many exciting new features

    The Video Call Resource Centre has been redesigned and will be released in the first week of July. There is a new look and category structure, with a focus on ease of finding the information you are looking for. We have reviewed all articles and made improvements and updates where required. The link to the Resource Centre will remain the same. 

    As well as updating the articles and adding new ones, we have split some longer pages out to make navigation easier. There are also some exciting new features built into this new version:

    • Popular topics showing under the search bar
    • Nine most popular articles linked to at the bottom of the home page 
    • New categories and sub-categories 
    • More tiles to click through - rather than a list of links
    • New key words added for ease of searching
    • New text formatting and sizes
    The home page of the Resource Centre has been redesigned.
    Example of new sub-category tiles to drill down into required articles.
    New design for articles with more linking to other, shorter pages,

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